Friday, November 23, 2007

Creative Dialogue Training

November 17-18, 2007
Prizren, Kosovo

A two day training of the project was held in Prizren, Kosovo. It gathered 10 participants of both partner organization, Denizen and CPE.

The goal was to train them providing their capacity of competence and involvement in the project to lead youth participants, making the establishment of the dialogue clear and facilitate their engagement during the project and after it, especially when resolving the local comunity problems comes to its turn.

The future trainers were given the neccessary materials, working sheets and instructions about the upcoming worshops.

The training was held by Milan Djordjevic and Edita Aleksov of Denizen Center.

Interactive Workshops and Virtual Cooperation
Creative Dialogue Workshops: Preraration in groups, Presentation and Discussion
Photo Workshops
Evaluation:Preraration in groups, Presentation and Discussion
Making Action Plans in Local Community

How to follow our work / How to share our experience:
During the 3 day discussion, this point was very clear. Using e-mail as the best way for communication, the partners will be equally informed about the steps in implementation of each activity; every suggestion, creative idea will be shared. This is very important, because the both sides should arrange the exact meeting time for Virtual Cooperation or the possible delays. Permanent contact will lead to achieving each of the goals in the project implementation.
Nobody of the participants should hesitate to ask about things that are not clear, or to give us a new, creative idea. That’s the mean of the project – be creative in every way.

Each participant filled in the evaluation form, and one thing was sure: everybody was satisfied with the training and with the possibility to cooperate with the other group in order to have an opportunity for further cooperation and involvement of youth in the project, with a great possibility for positive changes in local communities. The most approved activities were Virtual Cooperation and web blog, although the participants from Prizren will have problems with space and Internet connection. Other activity that everybody agreed and saluted was the Photo Exhibition, where most of them wrote the desire to take part in its realisation. The evaluation forms were written in both Albanian and Serbian language.

The Creative Dialogue project is supported by INITIATIVE FOUNDATION of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights.

Creative Dialogue: Preparatory and Planning Meeting

November 16, 2007 Prizren

The Planning and Preparatory Meeting of the partner organizations, Center for Primary Education (CPE) and Denizen Center for Civic Activism was held in Prizren on November 16, 2007.

During this meeting, facilitated by 2 Denizen trainers, a project coordinator and assistants, strategies to recruit participants and assign specific roles to all involved were discussed, as well as individual obligations were determined.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

NVO Sajam: Vidin 30.11-1.12.2007.

Poziv za učesnike

Denizen Centar za građanski aktivizam i Gimnazija ’’G.M.Dimitrov’’ pozivaju učesnike projekta DRUŠTVO RADI (Community Works), članove mreže ŠKOLA PLUS i predstavnike PA timova iz regiona da se prijave za učešće na Sajmu koji će se održati u Vidinu u periodu 30.11. – 2.12. 2007. godine.

Učešćem na sajmu predstavnicima osnovnih i srednjih škola, organizacija mladih i udruženja građana pruža se mogućnost uspostavljanja kontakta sa srodnim institucijama sa druge strane granice u cilju razmene informacija, primera dobre prakse i uspostavljanja budućih regionalnih inicijativa.
Mladima se pruža mogućnost uspostavljanja direktnih kontakata sa vršnjacima sa druge strane granice u cilju boljeg upoznavanja, predstavljanja sprovedenih aktivnosti i otkrivanja novih mogućnosti za dalju saradnju i umrežavanje.

Način prijavljivanja

Da bi se prijavili za učešće na seminaru potrebno je da popunite formular (u prilogu ovog dokumenta) i da ga, najkasnije do 21. 11. 2007. godine, pošaljete organizatorima seminara. Prijave možete slati elektronskim putem na e-mail adrese: denizen@sezampro.yu, ; ili na faks 018/824-211.

Neophodno je da na dan prijavljivanja imate važeći pasoš.

Odabrani učesnici biće obavešteni 22.11.2007 godine. Broj učesnika je ograničen.

Svi troškovi vezani za program (smeštaj i hrana) biće pokriveni sredstvima projekta. Za sve učesnike biće organizovan autobuski prevoz iz Svrljiga.

Organizatori seminara obezbeđuju vize za sve učesnike. Učesnici sami snose troškove medjunarodnog putnog osiguranja.

Za dodatna objašnjenja obratite se organizatorima seminara na dole navedene kontakte.

Denizen-Centar za građanski aktivizam, Svrljig i prekogranični partner Profesionalna gimnazija ’’G. M. Dimitrov’’, Dunavci, Bugarska sprovode projekat ’’DRUŠTVO RADI’’ u okviru Programa prekogranične saradnje Bugarska – Srbija koji finansira Evropska Unija, a realizuje Evropska agencija za rekonstrukciju. Cilj projekta je pružanje podrške u formiranju obrazovne mreže u pograničnom regionu Srbija - Bugarska kroz stvaranje partnerstva za lokalni razvoj, promovisanje inicijativa i osnaživanje lokalnih zajednica.

Denizen Centar za građanski aktivizam
Omladinska 59
18360 Svrljig, Srbija
Tel/fax: 018 / 824-211
Mob: 063 / 10-77-639
E-mail: denizen@sezampro.yu, denizen@ptt.yu