Thursday, April 24, 2008
Društvo radi: ``Village`` program

VILLAGE je projekat koji na veoma konkretan i realan način podučava o vladanju, socijalnoj odgovornosti i upravljanju zajedničkim fondovima.
Ovaj program uključuje:
Uvod u program
Osnovna pravila programa
Izgradnja sela snova na skali od 1 do 25
Veštine donošenja odluka u grupama
Tehnike razvoja i planiranja
Pravljenje budžeta i finansijski menadžment fondova zajednice
Vladanje i obaveze
Razvoj malih poslova i njihova uloga u ruralnim zajednicama
Zatvarnje festivala i evaluacija programa
U svetu koji se stalno menja, Village program je dizajniran da daje učenicima sposobnost prilagođavanja kao i uticaja zajednica u okruženju na proaktivan način. Drugim rečima, program ih pothranjuje informacijama o dešavanjima u okolini dajući im različite kreativne veštine u procesu rešavanja problema.
Da bi ovo postigli, učenici formiraju minijaturu sela, počevši sa PEEPS, minijaturama ljudi koji ih predstavljaju u minijaturnom svetu. Da bi postigli poznati cilj, učenici se nalaze u situaciji suočavanja sa istim problemima koji su akutni u stvarnom svetu odraslih. Sa osnovnim planom koji su im preneli nastavnici, učenici se ohrabruju da donose rešenja koja će omogućiti opstanak zajednice kao celine.
Matematičke: Deca formiraju selo u razmeri od 1:25, koje zahteva znanje geometrije. Oni takođe treba da podele zemljište u skladu sa mini-građanima, na javne i privatne sektore. U obzir dolazi više aspekata urbanog planiranja, uključujući procenu vrednosti imanja, potrebe osvetljenja tj. signalizacije, javnog transporta i komunikacije. Bankovne račune treba održavati u minijaturnim bankama, treba pregovarati za plate, kao i građevinske materijale koji se naručuju i plaćaju.
Pisanja: Piše se kreativno, ali i praktično. Svako dete treba da opiše svog PEEP-a, dajući mu ličnost i istoriju. Traže se više praktične veštine pisanja zbog mogućnosti čuvanja i potpisivanja ugovora, saglasnosti i zakona.
Umetničke: Pored kreiranja “PEEP-a”, koje uključuje šivenje odeće, svaki učenik dizajnira i konstruiše njihov dom, uključujući i pejzaže (ako ih žele). Deca stvaraju ceo grad i svaku moguću građevinu u njemu, kao što su parkovi i poslovni blokovi.
Tehničke veštine: Učenici savladavaju sigurno rukovanje alatima kao što su: igle, čekići i lepak.
Ostale veštine: Svaka grupa učenika, naravno, poseduje jedinstven način rada i organizacije, tako da svaki projekat drugačije rezultira. Nastavnici takođe mogu odlučiti da prilagode VILLAGE program određenom predmetu u školi, kao što je istorija, na primer.
Cooperation with local school
Vocational School ``D. T. Dragos`` Svrljig
Dragana Nikolic and Milan Djordjevic of Denizen Center for Civic Activism were invited to a class at Vocational School ``Dusan Trivunac Dragos`` of Svrljig with the topic of the role of the NGOs in today`s society. The class was organized within Civic Education subject for third-year students.
The following topics were addressed and discussed: Civil Society; The role of three sectors and cooperation among them; What is an NGO and how it is registered and run; Grassroots initiatives and Youth action.
It has also been an opportunity to present the activities of the ``Community Works`` project and deliver them publication materials developed during the course of the action.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Radionica: Pronalazenje sredstava 2
Pronalazenje sredstava
Udruženje za borbu protiv gladi u svetu je specijalizovana organizacija čiji je cilj analiza problema gladi u svetu i pronalaženje rešenja za iskorenjivanje ovog problema. Novac koji dobijemo od vas će nam omogućiti da povećamo nivo naših operacija za 50%. Imamo predstavnike u 123 zemlje. U našem odboru direktora nalaze se mnogi poznati ljudi kao što su lord X, glumica X i član parlamenta X. Dajte nam vaš novac.
U našem gradu ima preko 1000 beskućnika, a zima se bliži. Naša banka sakuplja neupotrebljenu hranu koja se kvari brzo. Tu hranu naša banka daje gladnima. Potrebno nam je 15 000$ da bi organizovali transport 45 tona hrane koju su nam obećali razni sponzori (restorani, hoteli i dr.). Od ove hrane spremićemo tople obroke za beskućnike i siromašne. Zahvaljujući vašoj podršci 1000 ljudi će imati jedan topli obrok dnevno 3 meseca. To će im omogućiti da prežive zimu.
Organizacija za podršku demokratije postoji preko 50 godina. Organizovali smo razne aktivnosti da bi zaštitili manjine od diskriminacije. Molimo vas za podršku, koja bi nam omogućila da otvorimo novo predstavništvo u Bukureštu. U njemu će raditi 3 eksperta sa zapada. Oni će analizirati problem diskriminacije u centralno-istočnoj Evropi. Vaša finansijska podrška će nam omogućiti da iznesemo vrednosti demokratije u celom svetu. Do ovog časa smo primili 20 000 od WHO i 10 000 od NED.
Trenutno, dok se dešavaju velike političke, ekonomske i društvene promene u centralno-istočnoj Evropi, deca su izložena ogromnom pritisku. Konvencija UN o dečijim pravima, koja je veoma poznata i poštovana na zapadu je malo poznata i poštovana u našoj zemlji. Mi ćemo izmeniti takvu realnost kroz štampanje teksta ove konvencije na našem jeziku u obliku brošura i postera. Ona će biti podeljena učenicima, roditeljima i nastavnicima. Potrebno nam je 50 000 brošura da bi svaka učionica u našoj zemlji dobila po primerak. Jedan primeraka će koštati 1$. U ovom trenutku imamo 25 000$. Molimo vas da nam pomognete sa ostalih 25000.
Radionica: Planete
Prepoznavanje i definisanje problema
1. Živite na planeti Zimok. Vašoj zemlji je neophodna voda koju možete dobiti iz susedne zemlje po enormnoj ceni. Neki ljudi u vašoj zemlji žele da se dočepaju sistema za vodosnabdevanje silom.
Kako biste rešili ovaj problem? Ako ne dođete do predloga za rešenje, biće rata.
2. Planeta Hemont pritvorila je nekoliko građana sa vaše planete, koji su bili u turističkoj poseti. Vaši građani su osumnjičeni da su špijuni.
Kako biste pokušali da ovaj problem? Ukoliko ne dođete do predloga za rešenje, grupa građana će biti pogubljena.
3. Planeta L’Okum ponudila je vašoj planeti da koristi rudna bogatstva koja su vam neophodna, jer je vaša planeta siromašna mineralima. Međutim ljudi na L’Okum planeti drže robove. Iz tog razloga ljudi na vašoj planeti ne žele da imaju bilo šta sa planetom L’Okum. Drugi kažu da su minerali neophodni.
Kako biste pokušali da ovaj problem? Ako ne dođete do predloga za rešenje, ekonomska situacija će se drastično pogoršati.
4. Dve planete u vašem solarnom sistemu su godinama u sukobu. U ovom trenutku jedna drugoj prete uništenjem.
Kako biste smirili situaciju? Ukoliko ne dođete do predloga za rešenje, uništiće jedna drugu. Vaš solarni sistem biće razbijen i vašoj planeti preti katastrofa.
5. Vaša planeta šalje hranu planeti na kojoj vlada glad. Zbog korumpiranosti vlade samo ¼ ljudi dobija hranu. Neki ljudi na vašoj planeti iz ovih razloga smatraju da isporuka hrane treba da se prekine. Neki smatraju da deo hrane dolazi na odredište.
Kako biste rešili ovaj problem? Ukoliko ne dođete do predloga za rešenje vaši ljudi će gladovati, a hrana propasti.
Radionica: Škola i zajednica
Rešavanje problema
1. Odrasli kažu da deca prave probleme time što se „vuku“ po kafićima. Navodno deca kradu i uglavnom maltretiraju ljude.
Kako biste rešili ovaj problem?
Ukoliko ne možete da dođete do predloga za rešenje, deci će biti zabranjeno da izlaze u grad!
2. Dve grupe dece igraju fudbal na svakom odmoru i svaki put izbije tuča.
Kako biste izmirili dve strane u ovoj situaciji?
Ukoliko ne dođete do predloga za rešenje deca više neće imati odmor!
3. „Kuperi“ predstavljaju grupu ljudi u vašem gradu. Oni su siromašni,
neobrazovani, skloni predrasudama i diskriminaciji. Šira lokalna zajednica loše se ophodi prema njima, što prouzrokuje nagomilavanje problema u okviru iste zajednice.
Kako biste smirili ovu situaciju?
Ukoliko ne dođete do predloga za rešenje, doći će do pobune!
4. Deca u vašem komšiluku imaju rok bend. Komšije se žale na njih kada god oni vežbaju. Kao rezultat, deca retko vežbaju.
Kako biste rešili ovaj problem?
Ako ne dođete do predloga za rešenje problema, bend će morati da se raspadne!
5. U vašoj zajednici porez je jako visok. Bez obzira na posledice, neki ljudi žele da ih upola smanje. Drugi pak kažu da je veoma važno imati dobre škole, dovoljno policije i vatrogasaca, lepo uređene parkove sa bazenima itd.
Kako biste rešili ovaj problem?
Ako ne dođete do predloga za rešenje problema doći će do ekonomskog haosa!
Radionica: Pronalazenje sredstava
Radionice za lokalne lidere
Pronalaženje sredstava - Vežba TAČNO / NETAČNO
Postoji mogućnost da se određeni projekat finansijski podrži. Veoma je važno da se očekivani rezultati vide i u budžetu projekta.
Upoznajte potencijanog sponzora. Predlozi projekta koji su poslati ’pogrešnom’ sponzoru najčešće završavaju u korpi za otpatke.
Lični konzakt je važan. Ljudi daju ljudima.
Budite iskreni prilikom određivanja iznosa troškova. Imajte na umu da sponzori znaju šta koliko košta.
Spozori vole da podrže projekte koji su kofinansirani i sa druge strane. To pokazuje da smo aktivni i da ne računamo samo na finansijsku podršku tog spozora.
Najbolji projekti su oni koji su održivi i koji će se nastaviti i nakon prestanka finansijske podrške sponzora. Predlog projekta uvek treba da sadrži plan nastavka aktivnosti.
Ako sponzor predlaže ne-finansijsku podršku, to treba prihvatiti.
Predlozi projekta treba da budu napisani jasnim i razumljivim jezikom. Nije neophodno da sponzor poznaje određenu terminologiju.
Upamtite da i vi možete ponuditi nešto sponzoru – reklamiranje, poziv na proslavu ili druge projektne aktivnosti.
Budite u kontaktu sa sponzorom čak i ako vaš projekat nije prihvaćen i redovno ih obaveštavajte o svojim aktivnostima. Postoji mogućnost da podrže vaše buduće aktivnosti ako ostanete u kontaktu i održite interesovanje.
Koristite pristup ’malih koraka’. Pokušajte da najpre dobijete manja, zatim, sve veća i veća sredstva. Sponzori vole da podrže organizacije koje dobro poznaju.
Fondacije podržavaju sve. Važno je samo dobro predstavljanje problema.
Nemojte postavljati ograničenja ukoliko odlučite da trašite finansijsku podršku. Tražite maksimalni iznos.
Jedno pripremljen predlog projekta možete poslati bilo kojoj instituciji. To će povećati mogućnost da vas bar jednom podrže.
Upamtite da donatori daju novac za ceo projekat. Bez obzira na to što je vaš projekat najbolji, nećete primiti finansijska sredstva za njegov jedan deo.
Najbolji su ’zatvoreni‘ projekti, oni koji se završavaju nakon prestanka finansijske podrške.
Predlozi projekta bi trebalo da budu napisani iskreno i najbolje je da se koristi specijalizovana treminologija.
Sponzor ima dosta sredstava i jedino što treba da uradimo je da ga ubedimo da podrži naš projekat. Imajte na umu da su ciljevi projekta manje važni od sposobnosti ubeđivanja.
Sponzore interesuju organizacije i projekti, a ne ljudi. Nemojte im dosađivati telefonskim pozivima i posetama.
Razjasnite situaciju: vama je potrebna finansijska podrška. Sponzor će vam onda možda predložiti i neki drugi način podrške.
Kada tražite podršku od većeg broja sponzora nemojte im to stavljati do znanja. Niko ne voli da bude jedan od mnogih. Sponzor mora da oseti da je specijalan, jedinstven i važan.
Radionica: Anatomija predloga projekta
Anatomija predloga projekta
Sažetak - Jasno i precizno sumira predlog projekta.
Istorijat organizacije - Pruža adekvatan opis kvalifikacija i kredibiliteta organizacije za izvođenje predloženog projekta.
Opis problema - Određuje jedan ili više problema na čije će reševanje uticati predloženi projekat.
Ciljevi - Postavljanje kratkoročnih i dugoročnih ciljeva predloženog projekta.
Opis aktivnosti - Pruža detaljan opis aktivnosti koje će biti sprovedene tokom realizovanja predloženog projekta.
Evaluacija - Predstavljanje plana procenjivanja uspešnosti predloženog projekta.
Budžet - Jasno su predstavljeni svi troškovi koji će biti pokriveni od strane sponzora kao i troškovi koji će biti pokriveni iz sopstvenih izvora ili od strane partnera.
Radionica: Vežba empatije
CILJ: Proširiti razumevanje problema drugih i pružiti im pomoć pri njihovom rešavanju.Steći iskustvo o tome kako naši sopstveni problemi izgledaju u očima drugih. Iskusiti mudrost koju grupa pruža pri rešavanju problema drugih osoba. Postati svestan zajedničkih pretnji koje je iskusio svako od nas.
MATERIJALI: Indeks ili kartice i olovka za svakog učesnika.
1. Podelite učesnike u male grupe, najviše 5 osoba u svakoj. Dajte svakom ušesniku indeks ili karticu i olovku.
2. Svaki učesnika na kartici treba da napiše: ‘’ Problem koji pokušavam da rešim je…’’, i da završi rečenicu. Ne treba potpisivati kartice. Kada ih svi popune, pokupite kartice, promešajte i podelite ih učesnicima u okviru malih grupa. (Ako učesnik dobije sopstvenu kartu mora da je zameni sa drugim učesnikom, jer svako od njih treba da se bavi tuđim problemom).
3. Nakon toga svaka osoba čita šta je napisano na karti koju je dobila u raspodeli tako što će to predstaviti kao lični problem. Objašnjava grupi načine na koje problem može da se reši. Ostali ističu da li imaju iskustva u rešavanju takvih problema i daju svoje predloge.
4. Istu aktivnost ponavljati sve dok svi problemi ne budu razmotreni.
BELEŠKE: Dajte dovoljno vremena za ovu vežbu. Za mnoge to će biti najvažniji deo radionice. Može da pokrene osobe koje su bile izolovane i koje, do sada, niko nije razumeo.
(Ovo je prostor u kome možete zabeležiti svoja iskustva nakon izvedene aktivnosti).
Radionica: Zamislite bolju zajednicu
CILJ: Razmislite o tome šta bi bolja zajednica moga biti, ‘’ kako razviti zajednicu među nama’’ dok o tome razmišljamo; koje konkretne korake koji bi vodili do takve zajednice treba preduzeti; samoosnaživanje za preduzimanje tih koraka.
MATERIJALI: Novinski članci, markeri i radni prostor za grupe.
PROCEDURA: Podelite učesnike u grupe od petoro i šestoro (najbolje je da svaka grupa ima facilitatora). Od grupa zahtevati da zajedno sednu i da razmisle o tome šta bi predstavljalo idealnu zajednicu; kako bi se u njoj organizovao rad, nabavka hrana, kriminal, aktivnosti za decu, transport i td. Zahtevajte od učesnika da najpre razgovaraju o tome i da nakon toga nacrtaju takvu zajednicu. Svaka grupa treba da predstavi svoj crtež u plenumu. Nakon toga učenici mogu da sede na način koji ih najbolje opušta. Recite im da zamisle da žive u njihovoj zajednici. Zatim ih pitajte koji su sve koraci neophodni kako bi njihova realna zajednica postala bolja. Neophodno je da budu što konkretniji prilikom predstavljanja nekoliko koraka. Zatim im recite: ‘’Za to je neophodna hrabrost. Da li možete da odaberete jedan ili dva koraka koji bi stvartno odveli do te bolje zajednice? Zamislite sebe kako učestvujete u tim koracima. Napravite ugovor sa samim sobom da ćete stvarno učestvovati u tome. Odredite vremenski limit u čijem okviru ćete izvršiti jedan korak, uradite to, zatim uradite drugi.
BELEŠKE FACILITATORA: (Ovo je prostor u kome možete zabeležiti svoja iskustva nakon izvedene aktivnosti).
Friday, April 4, 2008
Workshop: Facilitation Role Play
Exercise: Facilitation Role Play
Objectives: To provide participants an opportunity to practice and integrate the facilitation skills learned throughout the day.
1. Form groups of six people: One Facilitator, one Observer and four Players.
2. Each Player will be given a brief outline of their role and how they should behave in the meeting.
3. The Facilitator should carefully choose their intervention style(s) from the list above based on the needs of the group.
4. The Observer will be given an Observation Guide on which to record the performance of the Facilitator, including the intervention style(s) he/she uses.
5. Each participant will play the role of Facilitator in rotation. Once a participant has played the role of Facilitator for 10 minutes, the role-play will end. The Observer will provide feedback to the Facilitator.
6. The Players, Facilitator and Observer will change places and repeat the role-play until everyone has had an opportunity to be Facilitator.
General Background: A generous national donor has provided funds for the construction and the running costs of a new playground to be built in your community. The site has been identified by the Municipality and construction has begun. However, as this is to be a community resource, it has been proposed that local volunteer groups decide among themselves on a number of management issues. Decisions must be made today on these matters.
These issues include:
· Hours of opening
· Provision of supervision and security (supervision, fencing, keeping out animals, lighting…)
· Maintenance (safety and repair of equipment, cleaning of toilets….)
A meeting has been called in the municipality office. This meeting will be facilitated by a professional trainer from a local resource group. Four community representatives have been invited.
· How difficult or easy was it to facilitate this group process? What were the easiest and most difficult moments?
· How would you evaluate yourself as a facilitator? What skills do you think you are quite good at? What could you improve?
Adapted from “Exercise: ENABLER” by Angela Mackay (August 2000).
Workshop: Fundraising
``Community Works`` project
Worshops for Community Leaders
Fundraising Workshop
1. Association for Fighting Hunger Around the World
The association for Fighting Hunger Around the World is a specialized organization whose aim is to analyze the problem of hunger around the world and develop the solutions for eradicating it from human society. The money we receive from you will allow us to increase the level of our operations by 50 percent. We have representatives in 123 countries. On our Board of Directors, we have such prominent people as Lord X. Actress X. and Member of Parliament Z. Give us your money.
2. One Thousand Hot Meals Everyday-Food Bank in Bucharest
In our city there is over 1000 homeless and indigent people, and winter is quickly approaching. Our food bank collects unused perishable foods. We take this food and give it to the hungry. We need $15.000 to organize transport of 45 tones of food which has been promised to us by various sponsors (restaurants, hotels, etc.) From this food we will prepare hot meals for the homeless and poor. Totally, thanks to your support 1000 people will receive one hot meal a day for three months. This will allow them to survive through the winter.
3. The Organization to Support Democracy-New office in Bucharest
The Organization to Support Democracy has existed for over 50 years. We have been organizing various activities to protect minorities from discrimination. We ask you for your support which will allow us to open a new office in Bucharest. In this office will work three specialists from the West. They will analyze the problem of discrimination in East-Central Europe. Your financial support will allow us to help spread the values of democracy around the World. To this moment we received 20.000 from WHO and 10.000 from NED.
4. Convention of Children’s Rights in Children’s Hands
Currently, under the political, economic and social changes taking place in East-Central Europe children are facing tremendous pressures. The United Nation’s Convention on Children’s Rights, which is well known and respected in the West, is little known and not respected in our country. We will change this reality. Through publishing the text of this convention in our language in a brochure and poster form. It will be distributed among students, teachers and parents. We need 50.000 copies to reach every classroom in our country. One copy will cost $1. At this moment we have $25.000. We are asking you to please provide us with the other $25.000.
Workshop: Planets
Peace Team Cards
Set 2
1. You live on the planet Zimock. Your country needs water from neighboring country that will sell it only at exorbitant prices. Some people in your country want to seize the water-processing plants by force. How would you attempt to solve this problem?
If you can’t come up with a suggestion, there will be war.
2. The planet Hemont has imprisoned some of your citizens who were tourists there, accusing them of being spies. How would you attempt to solve this problem?
If you can’t come up with suggestion, they will be executed.
3. The planet of L’Okum has offered your planet mining rights which you badly need because you have few minerals. However, L’Okum people keep slaves. Some people on your planet don’t want anything to do with L’Okum because of this. Others say you must have minerals. How would you attempt to solve this problem?
If you can’t come up with suggestion, your economy will collapse.
4. Two planets in your solar system have been fighting for years. Now they have the potential to destroy each other and are threatening to do so. How would you attempt to make peace in this situation?
If you can’t come up with a suggestion, they will destroy each other. Your solar system will be thrown out of whack, and your planet will experience great catastrophes.
5. Your planet is sending food to a starving planet. Because of government corruption there, only one-fourth of the people receive any food. Some people on your planet say that this is wrong and you should stop all food shipments. Others say that at least some food is getting through. How would you attempt to solve this problem?
If you can’t come up with a suggestion, more people will starve, and more food will be wasted.
Workshop: School and community
Set 1: School and Community
1. Grown-ups say that kids are causing all kinds of problems by hanging around downtown. Supposedly, kids steal and generally bother people. How would you attemt to solve this problem?
If you can`t come up with a suggestion, all kinds will be banned from downtown area.
2. Two groups of kids play football every racess, and every recess a fight breaks out over one thing or another. How would you attempt to make peace in this situation?
If you can`t come up with any suggestions, recess will be banned.
3. There are a group of people in your town called coopers. They are poor, uneducated, and subjected to prejudice and discrimination. They have been protesting their ill-treatment, and this has increased the number of problems they have with the larger community. How would you attempt to make peace in this situation?
if you can1t come up with any suggestion, there will be riots.
4. Kids in one house in your neighborhood have a rock band. Whenever they practice, they get complaints from the neighbors. As a result, they rarely get to practice. How would you attempt to solve this problem?
If you can`t come up with any suggestions, the band will have to break up.
5. Taxes are high in your community. Some people want to cut them in half, regardless of the consequences. Others say it is important to have good schools, plenty of police and firefighters, nice parks with swimming pools, and so on. How would you attempt to solve this problem?
If you can`t come up with a suggestion, there will be economic chaos.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Workshop: Fundraising
Fundraising Exercise
- You should request funding for a specific project. It’s important that the expected outcomes be reflected in the project budget.
- Get to know your potential sponsor. Applications sent to the “wrong” sponsor usually land in the trash.
- Personal contact is important. People give people.
- Be honest and reasonable in the amounts you request. Remember that sponsors also know how much things cost.
- Sponsors like to support projects that are co-funded by others. It shows that we are active and do not only count on money from this one sponsor.
- The best projects are those that are sustainable and will be continued even after the sponsor’s support ends. Always show future plans for the project in the application form.
- If the sponsor proposes non-financial support, it should be accepted.
- Projects should be written in clear, comprehensible language. The sponsor should not need to know specialized terminology.
- Remember that you can also offer something to a sponsor – advertisement, invitation to a party or other project activities.
- Even if your project is not accepted for funding, remain in touch with the sponsor, informing them about your activities. If you maintain contact and interest, the sponsor might support your projects in the future.
- Use the “small steps approach”. Apply first for small amounts and gradually build up to large grant requests. Sponsors like to give to organizations they know.
- Foundations give money for everything. What’s important is the justification.
- If you decide to ask for money, don’t limit yourself, ask for the maximum amount.
- Once you have prepared am application, send it to every institution you know. That will increase the chances of it being supported by at least one.
- Remember, founders give money for the whole project. You will not receive money for part of a project, even the best project.
- The best projects are “closed” projects, those that terminate when the funding ends.
- Applications should be honestly written. Specialized language is preferred.
- A sponsor has money and should be convinced to support our project. Remember that project goals are less important than the power of persuasion.
- Sponsors are interested in organizations and projects, not people. Don’t bother a sponsor with telephone calls and visits.
- Make the situation clear: you need financial support. Otherwise the sponsor will likely propose non-financial support.
- Even if you seek support for your project form several sponsors, do not make that known to the sponsor. No one likes to be one of many. The sponsor must feel that he is special, singular and important.
Workshop: Project Proposal Exercise
Anatomy of the Project Proposal
Summary - Clearly and concisely summarizes the proposal.
Background - Accurately describes the organization’s qualifications and credibility in carrying out the proposed project.
Problem Statement - Identifies the problem or problems to be solved by the project proposal.
Objectives - Identifies the short term and long term goals that the proposal plans to meet.
Description of activities - Provides a detailed description of the activities that will be carried out under the proposal.
Evaluation - Provides a plan for measuring the success of the proposal.
Budget - Clearly identifies all costs and shows which costs are to be met by the sponsor and which costs will be met by your organization or a partner source.
Workshop: EMPATHY
PURPOSE: To enlarge understanding of the problems of others and to give help in solving them To experience what one' s own problem looks like seen through the eyes of others. To experience the wisdom of the group aiding with each person's problem. To become aware of common threads in ail of our experiences.
TIME REQUIRED: 60 minutes
MATERIALS: Index or file cards and writing instrument for each participant.
1. Divide the group into small groups of no more than 5 persons each. Provide each person with a file or index card and writing instrument.
2. Instruct the group that each person is to write on a card, " A problem I’m working on is ..." and finish the sentence. The cards are not to be signed. Once written, they are collected, shuffled, and redistributed at random within the small group. (If in the redistribution, a person receives back his own card, this is to be exchanged with someone else's so that each participant has a problem to deal with other than his own.)
3. Each person then reads to the group the card that he has received in the redistribution, reading it as if it were his own problem. He then explains it to the group, perhaps including ways he thinks of to solve it. Others then give their own experience with solving that sort o f problem, and their ownsuggestions.
4. Repeat this process until every problem raised in the small group has been dealt with by the group.
NOTE:Give plenty of time to this exercise. For many, it becomes the heart of the
workshop. It can be a turning point for a person who had been isolated and not
(Make any additional notes here of your experiences with this activity.)
Workshop: Imagine a better community
PURPOSE: To think about what a better community might be, "to develop community among ourselves while doing such thinking, to think about concrete steps that might lead to such a community, to strengthen in us the ability to take such steps.
MATERIALS: Newsprint, magie markers, and work space for groups.
TIME REQUIRED: 30 minutes
PROCEDURE: Divide the participants into groups of five or six (preferably with a facilitator for each group). Ask the groups to sit together and let ideas come into their heads about what would be an ideal community; how it would handle work, food, crime, children, transportation, etc. Ask them to talk a little about this in their groups, and then to draw such a community. Have each group share in the larger group what it' s community is like. Then ask them to sit in a re!axed way. Ask them to visualize themselves living in their community. Now ask them what steps would be needed to get from the lives and communities they now have to the better community. They should be as concrete as possible about a few of these steps. Then say: "It takes courage to take such steps. Can you pick out one or two such steps that you couid really take that would help lead to that better community? Visualize yourself taking such steps. Contract with yourself: you really will take those steps. Give yourself a time limit to step, do it, then do the next one.
FACILITATOR'S NOTES: (Make any additional notes here of your experiences with this activity).
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Radionice za lokalne lidere
Dan 1
Upoznavanje sa programom i organizacijom
Upoznavanje učesnika
Pravila grupe i posledice
Rasprava o pravilima grupe
Donošenje odluka
III sektor
Dan 2
Kooperativna igra
Definisanje problema
Ime, misija, logo, NGO
Ciljevi i aktivnosti
Registracija, propisi
Pisanje predloga projekta i aktivnosti – vežba
Dan 3
Mapiranje stakeholdera
Akcioni plan
Evaluacija i Izveštavanje
Dan 4
Pronalaženje sredstava
PR (saopštenje za javnost; konferencija za štampu)
Workshops for Community Leaders
Day 1
Intro to program & your organization
Intro of participants (poster & interview)
Rules & Consequences for group
``5 Evil Dragons`` (cooperation)
Discussion of rules in a group
Active listening
Decision Making
III Sectors
Concentric circles
Quick decisions
Ways of making decisions``end of world``
Day 2
Cooperative game (house or island)
Defining problem (brainstorming; small groups, prioritize)
Name, mission, logo, NGO
Present: Name, mission, logo, NGO
Goals and activities
Registration, regulations – give examples
Anatomy of project
Writing project and activities
Day 3
Stakeholder mapping
Action plan
Cool down activity
Day 4
Warm up
Fundraising (intro; brainstorming; role play)
PR (press release; press conference)
Looking forward: Training seminar for mentors at Galati, Romania
Galati, Romania
April 29-May 3, 2008
Day 1
Cognition and intercommunication activities;
Civic work in the international contex: Democracy framework, Models of Democracy and Civic actions, Group activity;
The Romanian civic work models;
Civic work and our social life-debate;
Why Civic work?
Introduction in civic skills concept;
Civic Skills - overview – mission, vision, values, purpose;
Defining interest and differences;
How do we react?
What performance we can rich?
Day 2
Orientation and integration activities;
The civic life concepts-flexibility and accessibility:
-Civic Life Concepts practice;
-Conclusions; Study of civic life concepts;
1. Civic intervention team power-The team power mapping;
2. Engagement-The roles in the group;
Reason to act;
What activities do you envisage in order to develop civic skill/skills?
Day 3
The integration of civic group;
Solving the problem-Action plan (Issue-Problem-Action)
Issue – Problem – Project Modeling;
The program implementation in school/community- common workshop;
Day 4
Planning and delivering civic skills’ activities for Active Citizenship;
Elements involving the group promote;
Start up!
Play role-Select an issue and change the action plan;
Tips for coaches and Civic Skills;
Group activity on action plan;
Day 5
Tips for teaching civic skills: Multiple Intelligences models - applications;
Tips for teaching civic skills: Civic Story Sacks;
Tips for teaching civic skills: Life civic Copybook - pedagogical tools;
Planning and delivering a Study Circle in learning Civic Skills;
Closing of the training.