Monday, May 14, 2007

VILLAGE Training: Call for participants

Community Works
VILLAGE Training

Organized by the Denizen Center for Civic Activism of Svrljig, Serbia and Vocational School ``G.M.Dimitrov`` Dunavtsy, Bulgaria

Call for participants. Deadline: May 15, 2007

VILLAGE is a project which in a very concrete and real way teaches self-government, social responsibility and common fund management.

The program involves:
Introduction to the VILLAGE
Basic rules of the program
Physically building a village of their dreams on a scale of 1 to 25
Group decision making skills
Development and planning techniques
Budgeting and financial management of community funds
Self-government and responsibility
Small-business development and its role in rural communities
Closing festival and program evaluation

The workshop will be run by consultants from MTO, Nowy Sacz, Poland.

24 teachers of elementary schools from the cross-border region between Bulgaria and Serbia are expected as participants of this program in Bulgaria. They will learn learn how to teach children very basic and fundamental democratic citizenship skills through this workshop.

Participating teachers will experience first-hand the entire process just as their students aged 10-15 will during the after-school or summer camp implementation. At the workshop’s conclusion they will receive all materials necessary to immediately begin the program in their communities.

The workshop will take place from June 2- 9, 2007 in Vidin, Bulgaria. All expences related to the program (transporation, room, board and materials) will be covered by a grant from the EU funded project managed by PHARE, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria, and European Agency for Reconstruction in Belgrade, Serbia.

The participants from Serbia are to cover their travel insuarance by themselves.

For more information and an application form, please contact: denizen@sezampro.yu, and .

Completed applications should be e-mailed as attachments to: denizen@sezampro.yu, and and are due by May 15, 2007.

Places are limited. Participants will be notified of acceptance by May 16, 2007.

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