Thursday, December 13, 2007

Looking forward: Youth Camp at Serbia for 6 days

Preparation of the Youth Camp has already been started.

As we see young people as a driving force behind future development our intention is to develop their capacities to combat and prevent discrimination and to raise awareness on community development among the cross-border region.

2 groups of 24 participants each, from both targeted regions in Serbia and Bulgaria, will be involved in to promote the dialogue and develop communicational and conflict resolution skills. It will also link up groups interested in meeting others, train actors such as youth promoters and help the promotion of grassroots initiatives by young people and at the same time, to enrich the opportunities for youth to learn about themselves, their peers and to promote mutual understanding in the cross-border region.

Participants will be chosen by the partner organization.
The Camp will be organized as a set of workshops, social and sports activities.
The workshops will be run by 4 trainers from both regions.
In addition to educational part of the camp, there will be informal presentation sessions of the two courtiers and the participants’ native towns and schools, in order to promote the experience of exchange, ideas for future networking and mutual exchanges among youth as well as it will support the introducing and studying of cultural historical heritage in the border area.
Moreover, different social and sport activities are going to be organized that include recreation and team sports and in the evening, activities designed to encourage friendship, such as a carnival, a dance, a talent show and interactive games.

The organization of the Youth Camp is to be supported by funds of the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia.

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